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  1. The Counseling Enriched Classroom (CEC) is a structured and nurturing learning environment that encourages academic achievement and improved social emotional wellness. The CEC team includes a School Psychologist, Special Education Teacher, and two Paraeducators and is supported by General Education Math and Science Teachers. The program is designed to be a flexible and supportive environment that meets students’ unique individual needs in order to foster a comfortable and safe environment for students to learn.

    The CEC program is available to students from 9th-12th grade with an IEP, and placement is based on IEP team decision. There is a maximum of 15 students enrolled in the CEC, with four full-time staff members in the classroom.

    The CEC offers a flexible online curriculum option using Edgenuity. Students are able to work at their own pace and can take breaks as needed to prioritize mental health.

    Core Values

    • ●  There is a focus on the class community in the CEC. We value communication and relationships. We believe that strong relationships and feeling safe and respected at school are foundational to improved academic and social emotional growth.

    • ●  We respect each other. We want our students to feel safe enough to be vulnerable, make mistakes and grow from them, and to feel accepted for who they are.

    • ●  The CEC is a non-punitive environment with a strength-based and growth mindset approach to learning. The flexible environment allows staff to be responsive to students' dynamic needs - not all students learn in the same way, it may even change day to day!