Job Search
Students can check my Job Board here.
To look for a job all students need to:
- Obtain a Social Security card if possible
- Obtain a work permit from the College/Career Center (if under age18)
- Write a resume. There are several programs available online or on Naviance.
- Network with other students and adults in the community to learn about potential job openings.
- Occasionally the College/Career Center will have information about job openings (as well as volunteer opportunities).
If students are enrolled in the Tamiscal WEEP program, a work experience program that allows students to earn high school credit, the work hours are extended. These students may work a maximum of eight hours on a school day but may not work after 10 P.M.
Students can check my Job Board here.
Part-time jobs in Marin can also be found on CraigsList or Indeed.